Fernvale Genetics have been breeding Romney sheep since 1946 with a proven formula for success, guaranteeing genetic gains. Their farms now span 50,000su including Romney, Romdale, Suffolk and Suftex breeds.
Our Sheep Operation
Commercial stud breeding in the 21st century requires a large tool box, and at Fernvale Genetics we combine technology and generations of experience. Computers integrated with advanced software for data collection, SIL for trait analysis and sire referencing, eye muscle and CT scanning to trace meat yields, are few of the tools used in conjunction with key stud policies, to produce productive commercial sires that have the ability to enhance genetic gains within commercial flocks.

The Fernvale Romney stud is steeped in history and has developed progressively on our farms. We are proud to say:
Only multiple born and reared animals are sold or retained in the stud
Quality outside bloodlines are used every third generation
Commercial pressure is put on the stud through 52,000 stock units being run on the operation
Two year ram performance guarantee is given with any rams sold
All ewe hoggets are put to the ram
Via Scan and eye muscle scanning used to trace meat yields
All rams are scour scored and come with a FEC index
50K DNA data is available
SIL recorded
Rams are sold as commercial sires on properties that range from high country farms in the Southern Alps in the South Island to the intensive fertile Canterbury Plains as well as the North Island.
Our Romney rams are fully recorded right from parent history dating back to the 1940s, and come with full, current data analysis.
DNA testing is conducted on all ewes and sires, and profiled. The DNA/pedigree of lambs born is obtained at tailing time.
We guarantee that we only supply naturally-multiple reared animals to market place.
Our Romdale breeding program began in 1996, breeding a 50/50 Perendale/Romney to satisfy client breeding demand.
Cross breeding gets the best maternal traits of Romney and Perendale in one package, without compromising breed type which can happen with other composites, such as East Freisans, Finns, etc.
We could implement this type of breeding program because of the size and depth of our commercial ewe flock.
We annually screen the best 300-400 Romney two tooth ewes from 2,300 ewes. Then tag, identify and transfer the selected ewes into our elite commercial Romney flock to be used for breeding Romdale sires.
The main Perendale sires were from Mount Guardian and Hazledale studs, along with the odd sire from other studs that provided the breed types to meet our criteria. Annually, we average $8000 in purchasing 3 top Perendale stud rams for our program.

In 2008, we purchased a Windsor Suffolk stud from the Hamilton’s of Winton, launching our terminal program.
Selectively chosen, this stud had been developed into a finer breed of Suffolk meeting our stringent criteria. The addition to our operation led to the rebranding of Fernvale Romneys to Fernvale Genetics.
Our Suffolk today, are modern, heavy-boned ewes, with a hardy constitution, fit for the commercial New Zealand farming environment. A superior animal compared to the traditional American Suffolk.

The Suftex is a Texel ram over a Suffolk ewe.
As with any cross breed, the genetic superiority of the female has the greatest bearing on the progeny. The Suffolk ewes that are used to breed the Suftex ram are the Windsor-based females from the Suffolk stud.
We kept the best first cross females and put them back over a Suffolk ram to produce a 1/4 Texel 3/4 Suffolk sheep. The ram progeny from this cross have proved popular with our clients, with guaranteed colour markings lambs sired by these rams.